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ounty lower

he pronunciation of lotus in andarin is "lianhua"

which corresponds with the reverse pronunciation of

ualien and it is easy to be remembered otus emerging

unstained from the filth is the symbol of purity in

hinese folklore that represents ualien as the last

pure paradise in aiwan otus is an aquatic perennial

herb with elliptic leaves as well as long stalks with

rhizomes filled with airpockets growing in mud under

water he lotus flowers with colors ranging form

light red yellow light purple to white bloom in

the summer and they have very large petals which could

be either in single or multiple petals otus nuts

grow within seed pods moreover these seeds and underground

roots are edible

ounty ree of ualieneligiosa

icus religiosa or bodhi tree is derived from the

meaning of sacred and religious and it was named to

commemorate iddhartha autama who attained enlightenment

(ohdi) at the tree herefore it is considered as

the acred ree t is a large dry seasondeciduous

or semievergreen tree up to to meters tall with

a smooth straight trunk and wavy round shape crown

he leaves are in dark green with shiny waxed surfaces

and complex venation the leaf glands are also within

thin long heartshaped leaves very summer during

uly and ugust fig fruits turn purple when ripen

and fall on the ground attracting birds to peck

ounty irdaroon riole

he beautiful and rare endangered aroon riole is

a distinctive aiwanese bird he aroon riole is

a mediumsized (cm) bird the male having a black

hood and wings a deep red body and tail and a yellowish

iris he bill and legs are gray he female is similarly

patterned but is dark gray on the back and has a light

grayish belly with heavy blackish streaks he differences

between the aiwan and mainland subspecies are not

obvious in the field he aroon riole feeds on wild

figs berries insects and nectar t prefers moist

deciduous and evergreen forests in hills from ˇm

sually seen singly or in pairs it keeps to the canopy

and sometimes joins mixedspecies flocks ts nest

is a large deep cup of woven fibers placed in the

fork of a high branch near the tree top oth sexes

share in parental duties he male bird is responsible

for delivering food and feeding whereas the female

one is in charge of cleaning the nest and disposing

the excrements elsewhere he endangered aroon riole

is rarely sighted in wild because it usually acts alone

ts population has been diminished by the cutting of

lowland primary and secondary broadleaved forest and

is estimated at just a few hundred individuals