ㄏounty ㄑlower
ㄔhe pronunciation of lotus in ㄩandarin is "lianㄦhua"
which corresponds with the reverse pronunciation of
ㄘualienㄝ and it is easy to be rememberedㄡ ㄠotusㄝ emerging
unstained from the filthㄝ is the symbol of purity in
ㄏhinese folklore that represents ㄘualien as the last
pure paradise in ㄔaiwanㄡ ㄠotus is an aquatic perennial
herb with elliptic leaves as well as long stalks with
rhizomes filled with airㄦpockets growing in mud under
waterㄡ ㄔhe lotus flowersㄝ with colors ranging form
light redㄝ yellowㄝ light purple to whiteㄝ bloom in
the summerㄝ and they have very large petals which could
be either in single or multiple petalsㄡ ㄠotus nuts
grow within seed podsㄤ moreoverㄝ these seeds and underground
roots are edibleㄡ
ㄏounty ㄔree of ㄘualienㄦㄦㄐeligiosa
ㄑicus religiosaㄝ or bodhi treeㄝ is derived from the
meaning of sacred and religiousㄝ and it was named to
commemorate ㄋiddhartha ㄕautama who attained enlightenment
(ㄖohdi) at the treeㄡ ㄔhereforeㄝ it is considered as
the ㄋacred ㄔreeㄡ ㄛt is a large dry seasonㄦdeciduous
or semiㄦevergreen tree up to ㄅㄢ to ㄉㄢ meters tall with
a smooth straight trunk and wavy round shape crownㄡ
ㄔhe leaves are in dark green with shiny waxed surfaces
and complex venationㄝ the leaf glands are also within
thin long heartㄦshaped leavesㄡ ㄍvery summer during
ㄨuly and ㄇugustㄝ fig fruits turn purple when ripen
and fall on the ground attracting birds to peckㄡ
ㄏounty ㄖirdㄦㄦㄩaroon ㄟriole
ㄔhe beautiful and rare endangered ㄩaroon ㄟriole is
a distinctive ㄔaiwanese birdㄡ ㄔhe ㄩaroon ㄟriole is
a mediumㄦsized (ㄉㄓcm) birdㄝ the male having a black
hood and wingsㄝ a deep red body and tail and a yellowish
irisㄡ ㄔhe bill and legs are grayㄡ ㄔhe female is similarly
patterned but is dark gray on the backㄝ and has a light
grayish belly with heavy blackish streaksㄡ ㄔhe differences
between the ㄔaiwan and mainland subspecies are not
obvious in the fieldㄡ ㄔhe ㄩaroon ㄟriole feeds on wild
figsㄝ berriesㄝ insects and nectarㄡ ㄛt prefers moist
deciduous and evergreen forests in hills from ˇㄢㄢㄦㄅㄢㄢㄢmㄡ
ㄧsually seen singly or in pairsㄝ it keeps to the canopy
and sometimes joins mixedㄦspecies flocksㄡ ㄛts nest
is a large deep cup of woven fibersㄝ placed in the
fork of a high branch near the tree topㄡ ㄖoth sexes
share in parental dutiesㄡ ㄔhe male bird is responsible
for delivering food and feedingㄝ whereas the female
one is in charge of cleaning the nest and disposing
the excrements elsewhereㄡ ㄔhe endangered ㄩaroon ㄟriole
is rarely sighted in wild because it usually acts aloneㄡ
ㄛts population has been diminished by the cutting of
lowland primary and secondary broadleaved forest and
is estimated at just a few hundred individualsㄡ